Sunny days are on the way, but I don't blame you if you're still feeling a little blah.....

Sunny days are on the way, but I don't blame you if you're still feeling a little blah.....

Lets face it.  This past year has been an ongoing exercise in accepting change - whether we have wanted to or not.  Between the lockdowns, financial stressors, and social isolation of not being able to see family and friends how we normally do, it makes sense that some of us are feeling a little down right now.

You know what?  That's ok!

All of us are allowed to have our feelings, and how we feel about what's happening around us is always valid.  The thing is, no one wants to feel bad for long, right?

Here's how I'm coping:

  • I've learned some new skills!  It might sound silly, but lifelong learning is a great way to fill some down time.  Whether you want to learn how to sew, crochet, knit, or use a new social media tool like me, there are TONS of ways to learn things from the comfort of your home.
  • I've adopted comfort clothes as part of my personal Spring wardrobe! We aren't talking slouchy things that make me look and feel bummy, but things like this amazing jumpsuit!  I could wear this everyday and I feel great in it!  Not only is this fashionable, it's cozy and I feel good about myself when I where it.  That's a win/win!  I also posted a video on facebook and instagram showing how this can be worn a few ways.
  •  I'm still getting dressed up for our small family events.  I got myself this to wear for Easter dinner.  Naturally we aren't doing the whole family celebration like other years, but that doesn't mean we can't dress up, take some selfies, eat good food, and enjoy one another.  We did the same for New Years and even got lighting set up to take pics!  

I also already picked out a couple of idea's for Mother's Day.  I am not sure if I will wear the kimono with black jeans, dressier pants or white jeans.  Hopefully it is nice weather and the white jeans will work!  I love this red top so that might be the winner!


  • I'm taking care of myself!  Whether that means sleeping in a little on the weekend, booking a spa appointment for myself when they are open or just engaging in a self-care activity like curling up with a good book and a glass of wine, I'm making sure I'm being gentle with myself.  On Sunday I gave myself a facial and I have been enjoying this nice weather on my porch with a glass of wine after dinner.
  • I'm embracing technology.  When I can't physically be with my daughters, I've learned to FaceTime them.  While it's not the same as being in the same room, it definitely fills the emotional void since we can see each other on our screens.  I've also made an effort to be more in touch with friends and extended family via phone calls and group chats.  Some of my friends even have a bi-weekly Zoom call they're doing together to keep in touch until we can all be together again.

The truth is, there is no "perfect way" to get through the pandemic, but social distancing doesn't mean we have to go through it alone...and with online shopping, local delivery, and curbside pick up options at most stores, it doesn't mean we can't shop a little to keep ourselves comfortable in the meantime.

How are you coping?  Leave a comment below to let me know.

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