
Love body positivity, but not sure how to adopt it yourself? Join in on the movement in 3 easy steps!

Love body positivity, but not sure how to adopt...

I loved this blog we did a few weeks ago on our Vivid website. I wanted to share it with my Vivacious ladies. These are great thoughts on body positivity...

Love body positivity, but not sure how to adopt...

I loved this blog we did a few weeks ago on our Vivid website. I wanted to share it with my Vivacious ladies. These are great thoughts on body positivity...

Why comfort is a self-care activity

Why comfort is a self-care activity

With the pandemic causing our current lockdown, lots of people are feeling.... uncomfortable.  Whether its small business owners like me who are trying to pivot to maintain their livelihood, kids...

1 comment

Why comfort is a self-care activity

With the pandemic causing our current lockdown, lots of people are feeling.... uncomfortable.  Whether its small business owners like me who are trying to pivot to maintain their livelihood, kids...

1 comment
Feeling the after Christmas slump?

Feeling the after Christmas slump?

If you are, not to worry - you're not alone.  The holidays this year were definitely more than "a little different", and psychologists do say that January is one the...

Feeling the after Christmas slump?

If you are, not to worry - you're not alone.  The holidays this year were definitely more than "a little different", and psychologists do say that January is one the...



The best advice I can give when it comes to fashion is try it on.  You will find many more styles that suit you when you don't have preconceived notions...


The best advice I can give when it comes to fashion is try it on.  You will find many more styles that suit you when you don't have preconceived notions...



Shopping Local what it means to me and our town


Shopping Local what it means to me and our town