Well the first blog of the new year and what to write. The pandemic is still raging and we are on lockdown #2 for my business. I am in the fashion business and even though this time of year is slow we generally would be promoting cruise wear so lots to talk about for dressing in sunny spots and what to wear and how to pack. I do want to talk about dressing comfy at home but will do that in my next blog, right now the whole situation we find ourselves in is weighing heavy on me right now so I want to see if I can articulate it.
First, I love showing pictures in my blog. I am a very visual person. For this blog the pics are not going to correspond with what I am writing though. This is a serious subject so with it I want to share some of my favorite pics that were on my camera roll for this year that brought me joy! Things like my kids, my friends, camping, mask donations, last party before lockdown and my tranquile place - Sandbanks Baco Noir!
“Pivot” is not a new word but it has become one of the words that has been the most used in 2020 when it comes to businesses. Those of you that follow me I know believe that I have been doing a great job of The Pivot. What I am happy with is that I never gave up and I was always working on many idea’s to keep my store going. This included amping up my social media, moving to a new website platform, tackling the ecommerce beast, partnering with other retailers to run safe events, delivering all over the countryside, using etransfer as a normal way of doing business and I am sure the list goes on.
Here’s the thing though – I was talking to my friend Erin from the Trenton Delicatessen and I said to her “we have stores because we love meeting, working and socializing with people”. For the last 10 months this has not been possible 100% of the time. And when it was, nothing was the same. If I wanted an ecommerce business when I decided to venture into a retail business that is what I would have done from the start. I chose my bricks and mortar store because I love people.
So on the outside The Pivot (yes it deserves to be capitalized!) has looked quite successful for many businesses but for some of us our reality is that it doesn’t always feel great because we miss so much what we love to do. Please do not misunderstand me. The support I have seen through ecommerce, DM ordering, phone calls, and much more is truly amazing and very much appreciated. I will continue to work hard at all my new ways of doing business as long as it is needed.
I do have to say this to our Premiere though. When he was quoted saying that he consulted with CEO’s of big box retailers and “for the big box retailers it would be a logistical nightmare for them to close down their non-essential departments”. Let me tell you that small retailers and businesses Pivots have absolutely been logistical nightmares and we don’t have thousands of people working for us to do it. We do it all ourselves and are continuing to do it!
My bottom line for The Pivot is – Once the world is back on its right axle and my doors are wide open and no one is afraid to venture out again that will be when I do my happy dance. I will continue to incorporate many of the things that I have learned during my Pivot with my business going forward but when we can talk without a mask on, without being 6 feet apart, when we can hug, when your stories you are telling me are “you are back to seeing your grandkids every week again” and so on and so on that is the reason I pivoted in the first place.
This is the first time I have read your blog Angela and went back and read quite a fewi have never been in a shop that makes me feel as “at home” as Vivacious! I love your way of doing business. I don’t live in the area but come to Trenton to visit both my sister and my daughter. I’m not sure what I look more forward to seeing them or shopping at Vivacious!
I “always” find styles I like in my size. I know your boutique will survive this challenge due to your impeccable smile and amazing customer service. Just wanted to leave this message to say THANK YOU.
Thanks for this Angela! I would like to give our Premier a shake when he says things like that about the big box retailers. I strongly feel they should only be allowed to sell essentials for in person shopping. They already have a strong online presence so all their non essentials could be sold that way. Personally I haven’t set foot in Walmart in well over a year. I go to Costco about once a month for grocery items only.
You’re doing an amazing job and I hope with vaccines coming we will see a return to more in person shopping before too much of this year has passed.